Our Response to Covid-19
Updated: 2020-03-20
Current update
Our Sunday Worship Experience is only Online!
Join our online service at 11am
Our community's health and safety is our utmost concern.
We want to be proactive, and considerate of you and your family's health, and while our teams are prepared to take precautionary measures we felt it was best to proceed with an Online Message this week.
We have also decided to postpone our .hers and moMENtum group gatherings.
We will continue to monitor the media and news for updates, so please keep up to date with our social media, website and emails.
If you are feeling anxiety or fear, please reach out. We are a faith based community, which means we do not live by fear, but by the confidence that we are covered by our Heavenly Father.
Philippians 4.6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Jesus is with you during the Storm, and while there is a lot of uncertainty at this time, lets increase our Faith and Level Up in our walk with Him. Do not be dismayed, be strong!
We may not be meeting in person this week, but we are Family, and we are here for you - you are not alone.
if you need help or prayer, please send us a message on social media, our website or email us at: nextlevelgtachurch@gmail.com
See you Online -Sunday 11am!
Pastors Dishan & Mitchella