Feb 21st. 2021
Fast Ends
If we were having in-person gatherings, we would be celebrating together. Celebrating victories, celebrating that together as a church we stood by each other, and encouraged each other. We know that Fasting does miracles, and we believe that as this 21 days unfolded God opened your eyes and gave you abundance of love, peace, and breakthroughs in areas we couldn't comprehend.
So we are done the fast, now what?
Take hold of the discipline you have maintained the last 21 days. We called it the NextLevel Sprint as it allows you to get the Word of God in, but by now you have been head deep in, keep at it.
Rejoice in your victories, and be grateful. You fed your spirit being, you denied your body to allow God to totally intervene. So be joyful.
We did it together as a church, keep up the momentum of the Godly relationships.
Spiritual Warfare is real - and daily spiritual food is needed. Join a connect group, do Bible plans, get the word of God in daily.
NEXTLEVEL CHURCH, let's continue into 2021 TOGETHER. We are getting EQUIPPED. Hearts aligned, hearts on fire to bring the Word of God wherever we go - to bring People Closer to Jesus!
Pastors Dishan & Mitchella